
Full configuration object model; represents a parsed snowmobile.toml file.


Package Contents



Base class for object model parsed from snowmobile.toml.












[sql] (snowmobile-ext.toml)

















class snowmobile.core.cfg.Base

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel, snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Config

Base class for object model parsed from snowmobile.toml.

property configured_args(self)Dict

Placeholder for configuration arguments of derived classes.

kwarg(self, arg_nm: str, arg_val: Any, arg_typ: Any)Any

Compares a provided keyword argument to a configured keyword argument.

from_relative(self, obj: Any)

Updates current object’s attributes with those from a different instance of the same class.

from_dict(self, args: Dict)

Accept a dictionary of arguments and updates the current object as if it were instantiated with those arguments.

as_serializable(self, by_alias: bool = False)

Returns a dictionary in serializable form.

json(self, by_alias: bool = False, **kwargs)str

API-facing json serialization method.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Connection(**data)

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


This includes the default_alias which is the set of credentials that snowmobile will authenticate with if creds is not explicitly passed.


The set of credentials that is used if creds is not explicitly passed to snowmobile.connect on instantiation.




The name given to the set of credentials within the credentials block of the snowmobile.toml file (e.g. [credentials.creds] assigns an creds to a given set of credentials.




A dictionary of creds to the associated Creds object containing its credentials.


dict[str, Creds]

default_alias :str
provided_alias :str
credentials :Dict[str, Credentials]
defaults :Dict
property creds(self)

Credentials alias used by current Connection.

property current(self)

Returns current credentials.

property connect_kwargs(self)Dict

Arguments from snowmobile.toml for snowflake.connector.connect().

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Credentials

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


user :str
password :str
role :str
account :str
warehouse :str
database :str
schema_name :str
as_nm(self, n: str)

Sets the credentials alias.

property credentials(self)

Returns namespace as a dictionary, excluding _alias.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Loading

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


Default settings to use when loading data


Name of file-format to use when loading data into the warehouse; default is snowmobile_default_csv; which will be created and dropped afterwards if an existing file format is not specified;




Include the index of a DataFrame when loading it into a table; default is False.




Action to take if an error is encountered when loading data into the warehouse; default is continue.




Option to keep the local file exported when loading into a staging table; default is False.




Include a loaded_tmstmp column when loading a DataFrame into the warehouse; default is True.




Quote character to use for delimited files; default is double quotes (").




Auto-compress file when loading data; default is True..




Overwrite pre-existing staging table if data is being appended into an existing table/the staging table already exists; default is True.



defaults :Dict
put :Put
copy_into :Copy
export_options :Dict[str, Dict]
property configured_args(self)Dict

Placeholder for configuration arguments of derived classes.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Put

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


auto_compress :bool
class snowmobile.core.cfg.Copy

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


on_error :str
class snowmobile.core.cfg.SQL

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base

[sql] (snowmobile-ext.toml)

generic_anchors :Dict
kw_exceptions :Dict
named_objects :List
info_schema_exceptions :Dict[str, str]
desc_is_simple :bool
pr_over_ge :bool
info_schema_loc(self, obj: str, stem: bool = False)str

Returns information schema table for object if other than making plural.

  • ‘tables’ -> ‘tables’

  • ‘table’ –> ‘tables’

  • ‘schemas’ -> ‘schemata’

  • ‘schema’ –> ‘schemata’

objects_within(self, first_line: str)

Searches the first line of sql for matches to named objects.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Location

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


ddl :Path
extensions :Path
sql_export_heading :Path
class snowmobile.core.cfg.QA

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


partition_on :str
ignore_patterns :List
compare_patterns :List
tolerance :Tolerance
class snowmobile.core.cfg.Attributes(**data)

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


excluded :List[str]
from_namespace :Dict[str, str]
groups :Dict
order :List[str]
reserved :Dict[str, Reserved]
markers :Dict[str, Marker]
exclude(self, item: str)

Adds an item (argument name) to list of exclusions.

get_marker(self, name: str)

Fetches a template marker from markers.

merge_markers(self, parsed_markers: Dict[int, Dict])Dict[int, Marker]

Merges markers parsed from script with template markers in snowmobile.toml.

Does the following:
  • Consumes all parsed attributes from markers found in a script

  • Tries to pull a pre-configured marker based on its time and updates its pre-configured values with those provided in the script if so

  • If it doesn’t find a pre-configured marker based on the marker name, it will instantiate a new marker instance from the arguments provided in the script.


parsed_markers (Dict[int, Dict]) – All parsed raw marker arguments from a script by index position.

Returns (Dict[int, Marker]):

Instantiated markers for all attributes, merging those with matching names to pre-configured markers in snowmobile.toml.

get_position(self, attr: str)int

Returns the position for an attribute based on snowmobile-ext.toml.

Will return 0 if not included in order-by configuration.

included(self, attrs: Dict)Dict

Checks if an attribute has been marked for exclusion from render.

group_parsed_attrs(self, parsed: Dict)Dict

Nests attributes into dictionaries that are configured as groups.

add_reserved_attrs(self, attrs: Dict, is_marker: bool = False)

Batch modifies all reserved attributes to their configuration.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Markup

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


hx_marker :str
hx_statement :str
bullet_char :str
attr_nm_wrap_char :str
attr_value_wrap_char :str
attrs :Attributes
pref_header(self, is_marker: bool = False, from_wc: Optional[str] = False)str

Creates header prefix based on specifications.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Marker(**data)

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


name :str
group :str
attrs :Dict
raw :str
index :int
add(self, attrs: Dict)snowmobile.core.cfg.script.Marker

Add to existing attributes.

split_attrs(self, attrs: Dict)Tuple[Dict, Dict]

Splits attributes into user-defined-only and shared with snowmobile.toml.


attrs (Dict) – Dictionary of parsed arguments.

Returns (Tuple[Dict, Dict]):

Tuple of (shared_with_snowmobile_toml_attrs, new_attrs)

update(self, attrs: Dict)snowmobile.core.cfg.script.Marker

Merges parsed attributes with configuration attributes

set_name(self, name: str, overwrite: bool = False)snowmobile.core.cfg.script.Marker

Sets the name attribute.


Returns a dictionary of arguments for Section.


Marker name.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Pattern

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


core :Core
wildcards :Wildcard
class snowmobile.core.cfg.Script

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


patterns :Pattern
markup :Markup
qa :QA
types :Type
export_dir_nm :str
result_limit :int
tag(self)Tuple[str, str]

Open/close pattern for statement tags.

static power_strip(val_to_strip: str, chars_to_strip: Iterable[str])str

Exhaustively strips a string of specified leading/trailing characters.

arg_to_string(self, arg_as_str: str)str

Strips an argument as a string down to its elemental form.

arg_to_list(self, arg_as_str: str)List[str]

Converts a list as a string into a list.

arg_to_float(self, arg_as_str: str)float

Strips a string down to its elemental form and converts to a float.

arg_to_bool(self, arg_as_str: str)bool

Converts a boolean in string-form into a boolean value.

parse_arg(self, arg_key: str, arg_value: str)

Parses an argument into its target data type based on its arg_key and the defined in snowmobile.toml.

static split_args(args_str: str)List[str]

Returns a list of arguments based on splitting string on double underscores and stripping results.

parse_split_arguments(self, splitter: List[str])Dict

Returns a dictionary of argument-index to argument keys and values.

parse_str(self, block: str, strip_blanks: bool = False, strip_trailing: bool = False)Dict

Parses a string of statement tags/arguments into a valid dictionary.

  • block (str) – Raw string of all text found between a given open/close wrap.

  • strip_blanks (bool) – Strip blank lines from string; defaults to False.

  • strip_trailing (bool) – Strip trailing whitespace from the string; defaults to False.

Returns (dict):

Dictionary of arguments.

wrap(self, tag: str)str

Wraps a raw string of sql in open/closing patterns.

static attr_construct(attr_nm: str, attr_value: str)str

Returns a parsable attribute from an attribute name and value.

tag_from_attrs(self, attrs: Dict, nm: Optional[str] = None, wrap: bool = False, **kwargs)str

Construct a parsable tag out of a dictionary of attributes.

as_parsable(self, raw: str, is_multiline: Optional[bool] = None, is_marker: Optional[bool] = None, lines: Optional[int] = None)str

Returns a raw string wrapped in open/close tags.

Used for taking a raw string of marker or statement attributes and wrapping it in open/close tags before exporting, making the script being exported re-parsable by snowmobile.

find_spans(self, sql: str)Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]]

Finds indices of script tags given a sql script as a string and an open and close pattern of the tags.

find_tags(self, sql: str)Dict[int, str]

Finds indices of script tags given a sql script as a string and an open and close pattern of the tags.

find_block(self, sql: str, marker: str)str

Finds a block of arguments based on a marker.

Markers expected by default are the __script__ and __appendix__ markers.

has_tag(self, s: sqlparse.sql.Statement)bool

Checks if a given statement has a wrap that directly precedes the sql.

static is_marker(raw: str)

Checks if a raw string of arguments has a marker on the first line.

static is_valid_sql(s: sqlparse.sql.Statement)bool

Verifies that a given sqlparse.sql.Statement contains valid sql.

static strip_comments(s: sqlparse.sql.Statement)str

Isolates just the sql within a sqlparse.sql.Statement object.

split_sub_blocks(self, s: sqlparse.sql.Statement)Tuple[List, str]

Breaks apart blocks of arguments within a sqlparse.sql.Statement.


  • sqlparse.parsestream() returns a list of sqlparse.sql.Statement objects, each of which includes all text (comments) between the last character of the prior statement and the first character of the current one.

  • split_sub_blocks() traverses that space and identifies all spans of text wrapped in open (/*-) and close (-*/) tags, storing their index positions relative to the other statements & markers.

  • These are stored as snowmobile.core.Script attributes as statements are parsed and so that they can be exported in the appropriate order to a markdown file.


s (sqlparse.sql.Statement) – sqlparse.sql.Statement object.

Returns (Tuple[List, str]):
A tuple containing:
  1. A list of __marker__ blocks if they exist; empty list otherwise

  2. The last wrap/block before the start of the actual SQL (e.g. the wrap/block that is associated with the statement passed to s.

name_from_marker(self, raw: str)str

Extracts a marker name (e.g. ‘script’ from within __script__).

parse_name(self, raw: str, offset: Optional[int] = None, silence: bool = False)str

Parses name from a raw set of arguments if not given an explicit wrap.

static add_name(nm_title: str, nm_marker: str, attrs: dict, overwrite: bool = False)

Adds a name to a set of parsed marker attributes.

Accepts a name and a dict of parsed attributes from a marker and:
  1. Checks to see if there’s an explicit ‘name’ declared within the attributes

  2. If not explicitely declared or explicitely declared and overwrite=False, it will add the nm value to the attributes as ‘name’.

  3. It will also add the ‘nm’ value to the attributes as ‘marker-name’ to be used by the Marker when cross-referencing the __name__ with template markers in snowmobile.toml.

  • nm_title (str) –

    The name of the marker as either:
    1. Returned value from name_from_marker()

    2. Returned value from parse_name()

    3. None if neither is provided nm_marker (str):

    The string value wrapped in __ on the first line of the argument block.

  • attrs (dict) – A dictionary of parsed attributes as returned from parse_str().

  • overwrite (bool) – Indicator of whether or not to overwrite a ‘name’ attribute declared within the .sql script.

parse_marker(self, attrs_raw: str)Dict

Parses a raw string of __marker__ text between an open and a close pattern.

static ensure_sqlparse(sql: Union[sqlparse.sql.Statement, str])sqlparse.sql.Statement

Returns a sqlparse.sql.Statement from sql.

Will return sql with no modification if it’s already a sqlparse.sql object.

Needed to accommodate dynamic addition of statements as strings to an existing Script object from from raw strings as opposed to a sqlparse.sql.Statement objects as is done when reading a sql file.


sql (Union[sqlparse.sql.Statement, str]) – Either a string of sql or an already parsed sqlparse.sql.Statement object.

Returns (sqlparse.sql.Statement):

A parsed sql statement.

sql_tokens(self, sql: str)List[sqlparse.sql.Token]

Unpacks nested tokens from a sqlparse.sql.Statement.


sql (str) – A raw sql from a statement.


A list of tokens.

id_from_tokens(self, sql: str)str

Identifies the last identifier in a piece of raw sql.

Identifies obj being operated on.


sql (str) – A raw piece of sql from a statement.


A string if the last identifier found or an empty string otherwise.

class snowmobile.core.cfg.Wildcard

Bases: snowmobile.core.cfg.base.Base


char_wc :str
char_sep :str
wc_paragraph :str
wc_as_is :str
wc_omit_attr_nm :str
find_first_wc_idx(self, attr_nm: str)int

Finds index of the first unescaped wildcard in an attribute name.


attr_nm (str) – Attribute name to search through.

Returns (int):

Index position of first unescaped wildcard or 0 if one does not exist.

partition_on_wc(self, attr_nm: str)Tuple[str, List[str]]

Parses attribute name into its display name and its wildcards.

Uses Wildcard.find_first_wc_idx() to determine if attr_nm contains a valid wildcard.


attr_nm (str) – Attribute name to parse.

Returns (Tuple[str, List[str]]):

Tuple containing the attribute display name and a list of its wildcards if present and an empty list otherwise.